“We improve the work of the investigation in the investigation of crimes in the sphere of economic and service activities” — Maksym Tsuckiridze

04.06.2021 16:09

This was emphasized by the Deputy Head of the National Police during a training meeting with the heads of the investigative units of the main police departments. The event was held on the basis of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine — Head of the Main Investigative Department of Ukraine Maxim Tsuckiridze thanked the Rector of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volodymyr Chernia for the opportunity to improve the training of police officers on the basis of the educational institution.

“As much as possible, we and the faculty of the academy planned this event so that it was practical, invited representatives of the DNDCC, the prosecutor's office, the court and the Main Investigation Department of the National Police. The main thing at this event is the opportunity to discuss topical and problematic issues and find ways to solve them, to eliminate discrepancies in practical implementation,” Maksym Tsuckiridze stressed.

According to the rector of the educational institution Vladimir Cherney, the academy is always happy to see former graduates.

“We improve the training program, we develop it taking into account modern conditions. Today you have the opportunity to improve your qualifications, share experiences and consider practical examples,” the Rector said.

Yuriy Chechil, Deputy Director of the State Research Expert and Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, introduced the participants to the peculiarities of the appointment and conduct of construction-technical and appraisal-construction judicial examinations during the investigation of criminal offenses on the facts of illegal economic activity in the field of construction. The expert also noted that there must be communication between the investigative units and the expert service, because all together have a common goal.

“We are carrying out actions aimed at achieving a common result. When exchanging experience, we pay attention to problematic issues, so that the materials that will then go to court are indisputable,” said Yuriy Chechil.

During the meeting, in addition to the specifics of collecting the evidence base during the investigation of criminal offenses in the sphere of economic and official activities, the participants got acquainted with the problematic issues when the investigators submitted petitions to the court and their consideration by the investigating judges. Also, the issues of the use of complex electronics and information technologies in the course of pre-trial investigation, recovery of information on electronic media, issues of combating raiding, etc.

At the end of the two-day event, the participants were presented with certificates.

Department of Communications of the National Police of Ukraine

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