Large-scale clandestine production of tobacco products stopped in Lviv region — police seized equipment and cigarettes for UAH 33 million

11.11.2021 15:30

The capacities of the underground workshops allowed the production of up to 35,000 packs of cigarettes daily. Manufactured products were sold by dealers to the countries of the European Union under the guise of trademarks of European manufacturers.

Operatives of the Directorate of Strategic Investigations in the Lviv Region of the National Police and investigators of the Investigative Department of the Lviv Region Police not only established the places of operation of the workshops, but also the locations of the so-called “transshipment bases”.

According to preliminary data, all premises are rented to fake persons, in two of them attackers installed industrial equipment and established a full technological cycle for the production of cigarettes - from processing raw materials to finished products for its further sale to the final consumer.

Production facilities allowed the production of up to 35,000 packs of cigarettes daily. Therefore, the “black” profit reached 365,000 hryvnias. This amount fell exclusively to the “budget” of the organizers of this “shadow” business.

Underground shops for the production, drying and grinding of tobacco were located in the Lviv district. The so-called “transshipment base” for storing finished products and materials for its manufacture is in Lviv.

“Enterprise” worked in closed mode. To mask the consumption by producing a significant amount of electricity and the uninterrupted operation of the industrial line at a specified capacity, each room was equipped with a diesel substation. Employees, mainly residents of different settlements of Lviv region, worked in the production by shift method, and the production process was organized in shifts. In the future, the finished products were sold in the countries of the European Union under the guise of trademarks of well-known manufacturers.

According to the results of the activities that took place during 9-10 November, the operatives and investigators stopped the activities of underground workshops and seized equipment and cigarettes worth UAH 33 million. Namely:

- almost 337 thousand packs of cigarettes;

- 130 kg of tobacco;

- 369 boxes with filters for cigarettes;

- 22 pallets with packaging for blocks and packs of cigarettes;

- 4 pallets of cigarette paper;

- line for the production of cigarettes, equipment for drying and grinding tobacco;

- “rough” records and other property used for uninterrupted production.

In addition, at the time of the searches in the premises of the workshops there were 9 employees.

The investigation into criminal proceedings opened by Article 204 (illegal manufacture, storage, sale or transportation for the purpose of sale of excisable goods) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is ongoing. Persons involved in the organization of clandestine activities are identified. The sanction of the article provides for punishment — imprisonment for a term of three to five years with confiscation and destruction of illegally produced or purchased goods, tools of production, raw materials for their manufacture.

Procedural management is carried out by the Lviv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine

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