“Kyiv investigators reported on suspicion of a man who set fire to the car of the founder of the portal dtp.kiev.ua” — Andriy Kryshchenko

23.05.2021 14:22

For intentional destruction or damage to property, the defendant faces up to ten years in prison.

The incident took place in February this year on Gogolevskaya Street, in the Shevchenkivskyi district of the capital. A man contacted Special Line 102 and reported that his car was on fire in the yard of the house. An investigative and operational team, operatives and employees of the State Emergency Service worked at the scene.

Law enforcement officers established that a parked car “Volkswagen Touareg” caught fire in the courtyard of an apartment building. Rescuers eliminated the fire, as a result of which the front of the vehicle and the interior were damaged.

Kyiv Police Chief Andriy Kryshchenko said that the investigators conducted a complex of search operations, reviewed recordings from video surveillance cameras and established that at night an unknown person approached a car with a pre-prepared flammable liquid and set fire to a foreign car:

“Thanks to the coordinated work of investigators and investigators, the identity of the arsonist has been established. This is a 22-year-old native of the city of Glukhov, not previously convicted. During the search, investigators seized material evidence from the offender's residence.”

According to this fact, the investigative department of the Shevchenko police department initiated criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Art. 194 (Intentional destruction or damage to property) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Under the procedural guidance of the Shevchenko District Prosecutor's Office of the city of Kyiv, investigators informed the defendant about the suspicion of committing a crime. The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a period of three to ten years.

Kyiv Police Communications Department

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