Cyberpolice exposed a man in the sale of personal databases of commercial institutions

17.11.2021 15:23

In specialized hacking forums, the defendant sold personal data of citizens for 300-400 dollars. The databases contained personal information of about half a million people. For the offense, the defendant faces up to 5 years in prison.

The offenses were documented by the investigators of the Main Investigation Department of the National Police according to the information of the Department of Cyberpolice.

The cyber police was contacted by a representative of a private company whose databases were distributed on the Internet. Thanks to timely information and interaction with the private sector, law enforcement officers stopped the criminal activity of a 23-year-old resident of Kyiv region.

The defendant on the Internet on specialized hacking forums posted proposals for the sale of confidential information. The cost ranged from $300 to $400 depending on the amount of data.

Also, the defendant provided the services of the so-called “punching”, which consisted in the sale of personal data at the request of third parties.

Law enforcement officers conducted searches at the place of residence of the defendant. According to the results, computer equipment and mobile terminals that were used to commit the crime were seized.

During the preliminary inspection of the seized equipment, the cyber police discovered numerical databases of commercial institutions of Ukraine. The databases contained personal information of about half a million customers. They contained information on the date of birth, surname, first name and patronymic of citizens, series and numbers of passports, individual tax numbers of taxpayers and telephone numbers.

Currently, the databases of personal data have been removed from illegal circulation. Accounts that were used for criminal activity have been blocked.

On this fact, criminal proceedings have been opened under Part 2 of Art. 361-2 (Unauthorized sale or distribution of information with restricted access stored in computers, automated systems, computer networks or on media of such information) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a term of two to five years. Investigative actions continue.

Procedural guidance is carried out by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

Department of Cyberpolice

National Police of Ukraine

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