Artillery guardsmen fired near Kharkov

15.06.2021 11:16

Combat shootings took place at a general military training ground near Bashkirovka. They became the real culmination of the field release of artillery units of the Eastern Operational and Territorial Union of the National Guard of Ukraine. Fighters of the 3rd operational brigade and the 15th Slavic regiment fired from D-30 howitzers and PM-38 regimental mortars.

The spirit of concentrated excitement. Fast and accurate movement of calculation numbers. Simultaneous eruption of fire from four barrels of caliber 122 millimeters. The words of the covenant: “The target is damaged!” — on the radio. The artillery guards worked out the accuracy and speed of firing with shrapnel and fugas shells. The fire was conducted for conditional purposes: batteries on firing positions, command posts, manpower, armored vehicles, anti-tank vehicles, defensive structures, etc. Each such act was preceded by painstaking work, which was conducted at the command and observation post. It is from there that these goals are given. And it is there that scouts observe deviations from the targets.

“Today, artillery units of all operational-territorial units conduct field exits and practice shooting and fire control skills. Artillery officers received a lot of practice during combat shooting. They were able to independently make decisions to open fire and defeat targets. Today, an artillery calculation within four minutes is to take a firing position, destroy the target, and take another firing position. Our goal is to achieve the fastest possible preparation of data for opening fire on the enemy,” explained the head of the department of planning and use of artillery and air defense of the NGU, Major General Oleksandr Rachok.

He also added that in recent years, the tactics of firing Ukrainian artillerymen and the enemy have changed, and this is also taken into account during the exercises.

“We work with the help of intelligence tools and a fire control device. We determine the direction angle, the distance to the target and observe the gaps. We will adjust the fire until the target is destroyed,” said Lieutenant Yevhenii Devyatov, commander of the 1st Howitzer Artillery Battery

Determined deviations by targets during firing are processed at command and observation points of howitzer and mortar batteries. The military firing range near Bashkirovka is small, so the shooting was conducted at the smallest sights and with extreme caution.” We must precisely point our guns at the main and reserve points of the line of fire, and act according to the commands of the commander of the gun,” commented the first gun gunner, soldier Vasily Seginov.

It was no less hot at the firing positions of the mortar battery. Before each shot, careful preparation of target data was carried out at the command and observation post and firing position, with all possible security measures taken.” We can destroy the enemy's armored vehicles and infantry. But you need to be very careful in handling ammunition when equipping them before firing. When pointing the mortar at the target, each calculation number must act quickly and accurately,” said the mortar service commander Junior Sergeant Alexander Meyer

Such meetings are held twice a year. Artillery units are very carefully prepared for them. Officers, while performing fire tasks, improve their skills in command of units during firing and fire control. The artillerymen coped with the task, destroyed all the targets of the conditional enemy.

Department of Information Communication of Eastern TU NGU

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