Two “spies” in the institution serving sentences in the Precarpathian region were informed of suspicions

02.06.2021 15:16

Among the two suspects are a native of Georgia and a resident of Volyn. They established their authority among the dependents of the institution and forced them to violate the rules of stay, favoring “thieving traditions”.

Operatives of the Directorate of Strategic Investigations in the Ivano-Frankivsk region found that the “spies” demanded funds from the detainees, forcing them to replenish the so-called “community”. In addition, they organized the supply of prohibited items to the territory of the detention center, in particular drugs and psychotropics.

Also, the police documented the fact of extorting the defendants $3,000 for the “community”. At the same time, they intimidated the prisoner and his relatives, threatening to use force in case of refusal to pay.

Today, June 2, under the procedural guidance of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Prosecutor's Office, both attackers were informed of suspicions. They incriminate the commission of criminal offenses provided for in Part 2 of Art. 189 (extortion) and Part 2 of Article 255-1 (establishment and dissemination of criminal influence in the institution serving sentences) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

One of the “spies” is also suspected of illegal production, manufacture, purchase, storage, transportation, shipment and sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues (Part 2 of Art. 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
In addition, with the participation of the special police regiment and with the assistance of the prison officers, searches are currently being conducted in the cells where the “spies” are being held. The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

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