DPSU: Since the beginning of 2021, 37 terrorists, 8 prisoners with weapons and ammunition have been detained

08.07.2021 12:55

Over the past six months, the operatives of the Eastern Regional Department of the State Border Service have achieved significant results in countering crimes against the state.

Based on the materials received by the operational units of border guards, the relevant investigative bodies of the SBU and the NPU initiated 37 criminal proceedings. In particular, the crimes stipulated by Art. 110 of the Criminal Code “The encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine”, Art. 258-3 of the Criminal Code “Creation of a terrorist group or terrorist organization”, Art. 260 of the Criminal Code “Creation of paramilitary or armed formations not provided for by law”, Art. 263 of the Criminal Code “Illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives”.

During the reporting period, law enforcement officers detained 37 people involved in the activities of Russian-terrorist forces. At present, 12 persons have been declared on suspicion, in relation to 14 persons the indictments of the courts have already been made, in relation to other persons — trials are ongoing.

Also, in half a year, according to the information of border operational units, 8 caches with ammunition and military means of destruction were found in the controlled territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. In total, these shells contained more than 5 thousand rounds, 55 grenades, 6 mortar mines, 12 explosive devices, 3 firearms units and 12 kg. twill.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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