DPSU: COVID-19 test results and vaccination document presented at the border should contain sufficient information

10.06.2021 10:18

The State Border Guard Service asks citizens to take into account information on how such documents should be drawn up and what vaccines citizens should be immunized with. Relevant clarification obtained from the Ministry of Health.

As already reported, the Government has amended the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1236 of December 9, 2020, which introduced restrictive anti-epidemic measures in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In particular, the list of documents has been expanded, if available, it is allowed to cross the border of Ukraine for entry during quarantine restrictions or to avoid self-isolation. https://dpsu.gov.ua/ua/news/v-ukraini-rozshireno-perelik-dokumentiv-yaki-dozvolyayut-peretnuti-kordon-u-period-dii-karantinu/

These norms have already been implemented during border control measures at checkpoints on the state border.

Therefore, the State Border Guard Service asks citizens to take into account information on how such documents should be drawn up and what vaccines citizens should be immunized with. Relevant clarification obtained from the Ministry of Health.

We remind, in accordance with the changes, foreign citizens and stateless persons to enter Ukraine (including holders of a temporary residence permit in Ukraine), in addition to the mandatory COVID-19 insurance policy, can now have either a negative PCR or express test result, which is carried out in no more than 72 hours before crossing the state border, or a document confirming receipt of a full course of vaccination against COVID-19 with vaccines included by WHO in the list of authorized for use in emergency situations, issued in English or with translation in English.

So what mandatory requirements must the testing and vaccination documents meet so that they become grounds for passage across the border.


- full name and surname of the patient;

- regarding the study: the name of the disease or the causative agent of the disease (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, etc.);

- type of study (immunochromatographic testing”, “immunochromatography assay”, “ICA”, “Lateral flow assay”, “LFT”, “rapid antigen test”, etc.);

- date and time of collection of material;

- test result (negative, not detected);

- the country of the study;

- the name of the institution that issued the test result;

- unique identifier of test results (code, QR code, etc.).

The result of COVID-19 testing using the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus antigen rapid test may be issued in digital or paper form and contain additional information, which is provided for by the legislation of the states in which the testing was carried out.


- full name and surname, date of birth, gender, citizenship and signature of the patient, document number (where applicable), identity card (passport, identification number, etc.);

- the name of the vaccine, the date of introduction, the name of the manufacturer and the production series;

- the name of the disease against which the course of vaccination was received;

- the signature and seal of the doctor who directly carried out the vaccination.

A document confirming receipt of a full course of vaccination against COVID-19 can be issued in digital or paper form and contain additional information, which is provided for by the legislation of the states in which COVID-19 vaccination was carried out.

We also note that such test results and the vaccination document enable Ukrainians or foreigners permanently residing in Ukraine to avoid self-isolation when returning from abroad.

Separately, it should be borne in mind that vaccines, for which a document on obtaining a full course of vaccination against COVID-19 can be considered, should be included by WHO in the list of authorized for use in emergency situations.

Currently, this list includes the following vaccines:

BNT162B2/Comirnaty Tozin( INN) manufactured by Pfizer/BioNTech (registered in Ukraine under the name KOMIRNATI);

AZD1222 manufactured by AstraZeneca/Oxford (registered in Ukraine under the name ASTRAZENECA);

Covishield (ChADOX1_NCoV-19) produced by Serum Institute of India Oxford (registered in Ukraine under the name COVISHELD);

Ad26. COV2. With the production of Janssen;

mRNA-1273 manufactured by Moderna;

SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Vero Cell), Inactivated (LnCoV) manufactured by Sinopharm/BIBP;

SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Vero Cell), Inactivated manufactured by Sinovac (registered in Ukraine under the name CORONAVAC).

Note that over the past two days at checkpoints across the state border of Ukraine there have been cases when foreigners try to enter from abroad with documents on immunization with the Sputnik V vaccine. We emphasize that such a document does not give the right to enter Ukraine, since this vaccine is not included in the WHO list.

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