Violators of the rules of stay in Ukraine will be fined again

04.08.2021 09:22

On August 7, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 21, 2021 enters into force. No. 757 “On Amendments to Paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 18, 2020 № 259”.

The amendments abolish the norm of the Cabinet of Ministers resolution, according to which all foreigners who violated the period of stay on the territory of Ukraine during or as a result of the establishment of quarantine, were exempted from administrative responsibility under Art. 203 KupAp.

After the entry into force of the decree, from August 7, 2021, the exemption from administrative liability will apply exclusively to those foreigners who were unable to leave the borders of Ukraine or could not apply to the relevant bodies/units of the SMS with an application for the extension of the period of stay in Ukraine due to the circumstances caused by the established restrictions in quarantine conditions.

We remind you that the sanction of Article 203 of the KUPap provides for the application of a fine in the amount of UAH 1,700 to UAH 5,100.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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