St. Nicholas Day at the Ministry of Internal Affairs: special equipment and performance for the youngest

18.12.2021 09:18

Yesterday, December 17, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine held celebrations on the occasion of St. Nicholas Day. Children of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as those whose father or mother died in the performance of official duties, were invited to the holiday.

Especially for young guests, an exhibition of special equipment was arranged in front of the ministry building. Guards, border guards, rescuers and policemen told the children about the cars used by their parents on duty, gave the opportunity to “test” all the equipment, try on uniforms and look at special equipment and weapons.

Then the young guests were invited to the cultural center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where they were congratulated on the holiday by Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denis Monastyrsky and Deputy Minister Ekaterina Pavlichenko. Officials wished the children to receive from Nikolai the gifts they dream of and left the little one to relax with animators, participate in competitions, win prizes and just have fun.

The celebration ended with the play “Cinderella”.

We are glad that for one day the walls of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were filled with children's laughter and managed to give the little one a holiday.

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