This year, border guards refused entry to Ukraine 1.6 times more often, most to Russians

07.07.2021 10:31

During the first half of 2021, border guards refused to pass through the border more than 19.3 thousand foreigners.

These indicators compared to the first half of 2020 increased by an average of 1.6 times (for January-June 2020, border guards refused to pass 11.7 thousand people). For the most part, the increase is due to quarantine restrictions and applied to foreigners who arrived from countries with a significant spread of COVID-19, did not have the necessary documents to enter Ukraine during the pandemic.

Among the missing persons, the largest number of Russian citizens - 2,818 people - this figure increased 2.7 times compared to last year, and citizens of Moldova, Turkey, Poland, Romania, Belarus and Germany received more frequent pass refusals.

Most non-crossings of persons are recorded at air checkpoints, as well as at the border with Russia, Moldova and Belarus.

It should be noted that the share of potential illegal migrants among the unabsconded increased significantly — from 2,270 in the first half of last year to 4,058 this year. And in this category of people, the leading place was occupied by Russians - 1,236 citizens.

The largest number of border crossings by potential illegal migrants was recorded at air checkpoints — 62.1% of the total.

Press service of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine


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