Are quarantine restrictions in the way and where Ukrainians began to travel this year?

04.05.2021 12:16

Despite the global pandemic and quarantine restrictions, our compatriots continue to travel. In the first three months of this year, the staff of the State Border Guard Service issued almost 4.3 million citizens of Ukraine
in both directions.

The largest number of Ukrainians crossed the border with EU countries - more than 2.4 million. Of these, more than 1.5 million Ukrainians crossed the border with Poland for exit and entry, more than 640 thousand Ukrainians crossed the border with Hungary, more than 213.5 thousand - with Romania and about 90 thousand - with Slovakia. And this is only the land land section of the border. After all, more than 1.3 million Ukrainians, again in both directions, traveled by air. The least attractive for Ukrainians remained the maritime section of the border - 27 thousand people.

Our compatriots chose, albeit much less often, and another direction of travel is the Russian Federation, Moldova and Belarus, where 316, 97 and 66 thousand Ukrainians traveled, respectively. It is worth noting that over the same period of 2020, more than 1.2 million, 550 thousand and 520 thousand citizens of Ukraine traveled to the Russian Federation, Moldova and Belarus.

At the same time, compared to the first three months of last year, there is, although not significant, increase in passenger traffic to countries such as Turkey, Dominican Republic, Netherlands, Maldives, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Montenegro, Australia and North Macedonia.

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