Arsen Avakov discussed investment projects with parliamentarians of Ukrainian-Italian friendship group

08.07.2021 19:26

During the meeting that took place today, July 8, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who is the co-chair of the Ukrainian-Italian Intergovernmental Council on Economic, Financial and Industrial Cooperation, informed MPs about the state of implementation of bilateral projects between Ukraine and Italy.

We are talking about the acquisition of high-altitude specialized rescue equipment of the Italian company “Cela Industry”, as well as the creation of a high-speed passenger train system. The projects will be implemented subject to partial localization of production in Ukraine, which, in addition to revenues to the state budget, will create thousands of jobs for our citizens.

“High-speed trains will “sew” the connections of the country. For example, it will be possible to get from Kiev to Kharkov or Lviv in about 2 hours. This is a new level of population mobility. The project will be implemented under active financial lending by the State Export Credit Agency of Italy SACE under state guarantees of the Ukrainian government,” Arsen Avakov said.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also said that soon it is planned to sign an agreement on mutual recognition of driver's licenses, which will be valid for 5 years. This will allow thousands of our compatriots not to retake the driving exam in Italy.

According to Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Sergey Goncharov, Ukraine and Italy plan to strengthen economic cooperation in other important areas. In particular, between the space agencies of the two countries in the issue of the exchange of satellite data and images. In addition, the parties are also establishing cooperation in the field of gas transmission system, namely hydrogen energy.

Ukraine and Italy have signed an Intergovernmental Agreement on Police Cooperation.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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