Arsen Avakov held a meeting with a delegation of representatives of big business in France

24.06.2021 18:55

Today, June 24, Chairman of the Joint Ukrainian-French Commission on Economic Cooperation, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov held a meeting with the delegation of the association of French companies and enterprises MEDEF (“French Enterprise Movement”), which is headed by President Joffroy Rue de Besyo and the head of the Ukrainian-French business MEDEF International Board of Directors, CEO of EGIS, Laurent Germain.

The meeting took place with the participation of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Ukraine, Etienne de Ponsen, and the People's Deputies of Ukraine, who are part of the economic cooperation group with the French Republic.

“We understand very well how important MEDEF is for France. We cooperate with many companies that are part of the association. Four intergovernmental agreements were recently signed between our states. In particular, the renovation of the fleet of freight electric locomotives of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia”; joint production of fire trucks for rescuers at height; a project to upgrade the quality water supply in the city of Mariupol, which will later be spread to the Luhansk region, and the construction of an effective water supply system in Kiev. These agreements are already intended for ratification in the parliament,” Arsen Avakov said.

Recall that all these joint projects provide for mandatory localization of production in Ukraine at domestic enterprises at the level of up to 30%. This will provide additional jobs and additional taxes to the state budget.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also noted the most successful joint Ukrainian-French projects, which are already being actively implemented between the two countries. In particular, we are talking about contracts with OCEA and Airbus Helicopters.

“We are grateful to our French partners for the rapid dynamics of our cooperation. It is very important for us that MEDEF feels comfortable in Ukraine,” said Arsen Avakov.

President of the association of French companies and enterprises MEDEF, Joffroy Rue de Bezio, stressed that today's meeting is a sign of a new level of cooperation between states.

“This is your first visit and we have something to work on. France is the sixth country in terms of investment in Ukraine, but we constantly overestimate your great potential. We hope that today we will start a strong partnership,” he said.

In turn, Chairman of the Ukrainian-French Business Council MEDEF International, CEO of EGIS concern Laurent Germain stated the positive dynamics and momentum provided by the signing of four intergovernmental agreements between Ukraine and France. “They will serve as an example for other MEDEF companies that are interested in cooperation with Ukraine,” he said.

MEDEF (“French Enterprise Movement”) is an association of French businesses created in 1998 to represent their interests and mediate in relations between trade unions and the state. MEDEF relies in its activities on 76 industry federations of producers in France, which cooperate with 600 trade unions. The president of MEDEF is Joffroy Rue de Bezio. The governing body of MEDEF is its Executive Council, whose members, like the President, are elected at a general meeting.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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