Announcement: farewell ceremony with the deputy commander of the separate detachment “Azov” Alexander Pavlyuk

07.06.2021 18:24

Tomorrow, June 8, there will be a farewell ceremony with the deputy commander of a separate special detachment “Azov” from the rear, Senior Lieutenant Alexander Pavlyuk with the nickname “Chuck”.

Venue: Cultural Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, st., Pylypa Orlyka, 16.

Time: 11:00

Those who wish can say goodbye to Alexander Pavlyuk, observing quarantine restrictions.

58-year-old Alexander was responsible for the logistics of the soldiers. He was a true friend to everyone — he knew how to bring people together and found compromises in any situation.

Alexander was originally from the village of Rokitnoe, in Rivne region. At the age of 18, he was conscripted into military service and served in a contingent of Soviet troops in Germany. In the summer of 2014, the man met the fighters of the OZSP “Azov”, after which, without hesitation, in the fall of the same year, he joined the ranks of the unit.

During his dedicated service, Oleksandr Pavlyuk was repeatedly awarded high honors, in particular the badge “For Valorous Service”, a certificate from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the breastplate “For Distinction in Service”, firearms and the Order of Danil Halytsky.

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