Zaporozhye is the 21-th city of Ukraine, where the new patrol police started to work (PHOTO, VIDEO)

16.04.2016 11:19

The ceremony of taking the oath by the new patrolmen took place on the island of Khortytsa on April 16. In the evening of the same day the new policemen went to patrol city streets.

The solemn event was attended by the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, the Deputy Head of the National Police Alexander Fatsevich, the Head of the Patrol Police Department Evgeny Zhukov and representatives of local authorities.

509 freshly trained policemen took the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people in Zaporozhye. 20% of them are women. 75% of new patrolmen have college level education, 12% - took part in the ATO. 

Police senior lieutenant Roman Pilipenko appointed Chief of the city Patrol Police Department.  He rose through the ranks from a company commander in the Kiev patrol police to the deputy chief of the Lvov Police Department.  He has two college diplomas - in law and economy. 

The Minister of Internal Affairs stressed in his speech that Ukraine is now facing two threats to its security and stability: external threat - the Russian aggression and internal threat - the crisis of confidence in the authorities.

"Confidence is a key element of the normally functioning society. I appeal to you, the new policemen who just took the oath.  A lot depends on you, everything depends on you:  whether people will trust you.  Dare not to lose this trust, do everything to protect and serve.  And these are not empty words, but just a reason why you have this job"- said Arsen Avakov.

 Zaporozhye is the 21th city in which the new patrol police was launched.  Given the large size of this region, patrolmen will soon start to work in the smaller towns of Melitopol and Berdyansk.  As of today, totally 9958 policemen serve in Ukrainian patrol  police.

"At this stage of the law enforcement system reform we still have to launch the patrol police in ten more cities of Ukraine:  Rovno, Sumy, Kryvoi Rog, Kirovograd, Mariupol, Slavyansk-Kramatorsk, Severodonetsk-Lisichansk-Rubezhnoe. 

Then, we shall announce the second round of recruitment to the police in almost all cities and in the Zaporozhye region we shall start recruitment to the patrol police in Berdyansk and Melitopol.  We are inviting young people!" - said the Minister  - "And then, simultaneously with the further development of the patrol police, we shall deal directly with the next stages of our reform.  Next in line are the police road patrol, training and launch of the rapid response teams in the regions, program of local police inspectors, special forces corps KORD, reform of the investigation system and the criminal detectives service, reform of the police education and training system and much more urgent and important steps.  Gradually, step by step, we shall build a new police - the one that everybody will trust"- stressed Arsen Avakov.

During the ceremony, the minister presented departmental awards to five policemen who have participated in ATO. They were awarded for their service in battle, conscientious performance of their official duties, personal courage, loyalty to oath and Ukrainian people.


Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine


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