Your new police - start in Cherkassy and Kremenchug! (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

01.03.2016 12:09

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reported on the launch of the patrol police in the city of Cherkassy on March 1, 2016.  And on February 27 a new patrol service has already started to work in Kremenchug.

"The first day of spring - the first day of service for 256 new patrol policemen in Cherkassy!  On the evening of March 1 21 crew of the patrol policemen went on duty in the fifteenth city of Ukraine. 256 best candidates to serve in the police have been selected from 5480 applicants (21 applicants per one vacancy).  Then they went through months of intense preparation, instruction and training "- said Arsen Avakov.

In the new Cherkassy patrol police serve:

- 33 girls;

- 21 participants of  battle actions;

- More than 90% of patrol officers have a college degrees.

Police major Vadim Lisnichuk was appointed Chief of the Cherkassy Patrol Police Department.


"Vadim was the active participant of Euromaidan and immediately after the Revolution of Dignity he joined the volunteer battalion "Kyiv-1".  Together with the battalion he took part in providing the law and order in Kiev in the first days after the Maidan and then was among the first fighters, sent to the ATO zone. He has participated in the liberation of Nikolayevka, Slaviansk and rose from the ranks to become "Kyiv-1" battalion commander"- said the head of the MIA.

In addition, the Minister of Internal Affairs informed that in the Cherkassy patrol police will work two police officers who have received shrapnel wounds during the events near the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on  August 31, 2015, and became only partially fit for service:

"Vadim Lisnichuk has invited to serve in the Cherkasy patrol police two police officers from Kiev - Alexander Danilenko and Andrey Maidanik.  Both now have the rank of police corporal.  Both can not pass a competitive selection to the patrol service due to their physical condition.  Both will work as a civilian police personnel.

Why do I mention them separately?  Because they are our comrades-in-arms, wounded by explosion of a grenade RGP-5 near the Verkhovna Rada on August 31, 2015.  They risked their lives to protect people from the radicals, who lost their human self and conscience. They are an example of fidelity to their duty and loyalty to their oath.  They will always find a place in the new police!  Vadim, Andrey, Alexander and all the guys from the Cherkassy patrol police  - I believe that you will not fail us!".

Earlier, on February 27, 2016, in Kremenchug 246 new police officers took the oath of loyalty to Ukrainian people. Arsen Avakov reported that there were 3,237 applications to serve in the Kremenchug patrol police. 

Among the 246-strong new police force:  86% - have college level education, 21% - are women.  The average age of the new Kremenchug patrolmen  - 25 years.  38 of them participated in the ATO.  "What a beautiful detachment they make!  Let's wish the guys a success!" - said the head of MIA.

Since the evening of February 27 every day 21 patrol crews will come on duty to enforce public order in the city.

"And while we are constantly criticized - both deservedly and wrongly - we do our reform step by step, overcoming obstacles and correcting errors; we are moving forward!" - stressed Arsen Avakov.

Step by step, leaning on the best people - we are building Your new police!

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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