The staff of the National Academy of Internal Affairs swore allegiance to the Ukrainian people (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

30.01.2016 18:36

On January 29, 2016 staff of the National Academy of Internal Affairs (NAIA) took the oath of the employee of National police of Ukraine.  Besides cadets, students and officer trainees, the oath was taken also by professors and instructors, permanent staff and members of the Academy Supervisory Board and Academic Council.

Heads of structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, People's Deputies, veterans and guests of honor were invited to take part in the solemn ceremony.

Cadets, trainees, professors and researchers, permanent staff and members of the Supervisory Board and Academic Council took the oath of loyalty to the Ukrainian people.  They swore to adhere in their work to the requirements of the Constitution and current legislation, to be the humane, honest, conscientious and disciplined employees of the National Police of Ukraine.

On behalf of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine the welcome telegram was read. Arsen Avakov congratulated all present on taking the oath.  The minister noted that:  "The oath of the employee of police is taken once and for the rest of his/her life.  It is a testimony of your vital choice, conscious attitude to the profession, the solemn promise to protect human rights and freedoms and the honor of the state, with dignity bear a high title of the police officer and honestly perform your duties."

The minister wished all the students and staff of NAIA successes in their studies and work:  "Let the motto "To Serve and Protect" be companion of your life from now on and forever."

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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