«The National Police and the National Guard should be like you – the fighters of the volunteer battalions», - Arsen Avakov (PHOTO, VIDEO)

15.04.2016 14:26

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine said this today, on April 15, while congratulating the fighters of the patrol police special force units on the second anniversary of their creation.

The ceremony took place in the MIA Palace of Culture and Arts and was attended by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy, Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov and the Head of the National Police Khatia Dekanoidze.

In April 2014 the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to establish a volunteer corps of special force units to protect public order. These battalions and companies of the patrol police special force had to protect public order and defend citizens from criminal attacks. 56 units of the patrol police special force were created.

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko congratulated the fighters and said: "You are the best of the best. You are the elite respected by the Ukrainian people. On behalf of the Ukrainian nation and Ukrainian state I express great reverence and respect to all of you". The Head of State thanked the police special force staff for their selfless service to the Fatherland. He stated that they bear distinction of the status of volunteer with dignity. 22 units of the patrol police special force were created after the adoption of the Law "On the National Police".  They function within the structure of the Main Directorates of the National Police in the regions and in Kiev. 4207 officers serve in these units now.

20 units are currently deployed in the ATO zone and the front-line areas. Special force battalions provide law and order in the liberated from separatists settlements; prevent illegal transfer of weapons, ammunition and explosives from the ATO zone; guard important state and local facilities. Another important task of the police special force is to fight against enemy’s sabotage-reconnaissance teams and illegal armed groups, to search for and detain persons suspected of committing terrorist acts and of belonging to separatist movements.


Since the beginning of the antiterrorist operation 100 police special force officers were killed, 367 were injured and 11 are considered to be missing in action.
"Two years ago we all were together. But so many of our brothers have been killed... I ask all to remember and respect these people” - addressed the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov to the soldiers who were present at the event.


"When people ask me what will the National Police and the National Guard be like, I answer - they have to be like you” - stated the Minister of Internal Affairs.

The head of the National Police of Ukraine Khatia Dekanoidze also congratulated the staff of the patrol police special force. "Each one of you is a hero – stressed she - Because each night you are going to sleep bearing in mind that tomorrow you will again defend your homeland. And this war is not only for Ukraine, this is a war against evil".


The officers of the patrol police special force received state decorations: order “For Bravery”, III degree, medals “To Defender of the Fatherland”, “For Military Service to Ukraine” and “For Meritorious Service”, III degree, as well as awards from the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and departmental awards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and valuable gifts.


Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine


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