The Minister of Interior Arsen Avakov has commented on the situation of the approaching election of the new Interpol President

18.11.2018 19:09

The INTERPOL General Assembly decides the fate of INTERPOL by repelling the next hybrid assault of the Putin regime.

Today, on November 18, the 87th session of the INTERPOL General Assembly was opened, where extremely crucial decisions have to be taken that will affect the entire world security system.

Essentially, the question is whether the largest International criminal police organization will remain faithful to its principles, that is to deal only with cases of ordinary crimes and refuse to participate in persecution on political, religious, racial (ethnic) or military grounds, as stated in its Charter.

The point is that Alexander Prokopchuk, a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Foreign Intelligence of the Russian Federation, run for the office of the head of the ICPO while the Putin regime is waging an open hybrid war against a significant part of the civilized world.  It conducts a direct hybrid war against Ukraine, using, among other things, such specific methods as sending criminal kingpins to the Ukrainian territory and creation there the organized criminal groups under control of the FSB and the GRU of the Russian Federation.  Numerous complaints have been voiced against Russia for the abuse of INTERPOL’s tools for the political persecution of opponents.

If Aleksandr Prokopchuk becomes the President of INTERPOL, this will allow the Russian regime to expand further the practice of using “red notices” to restrict freedom of movement and to prosecute persons whom it considers undesirable.

It inevitably reminds about the tragic page of the history of the ICPO, when in 1938-1945 its leaders were SS generals Reinhard Heydrich and Ernst Kaltenbrunner, and its headquarters as a result of the fascist Anschluss of Austria was transferred to Berlin...  Then most of the member-countries were forced to cease their participation, and INTERPOL, in fact, ceased to exist and was recreated only after the fall of the Third Reich.

Today, when the world is facing global threats of terrorism, including catastrophic cyber attacks, which can only be countered by the large-scale cooperation of all civilized countries and the world security system, the repetition of this story would have tragic consequences.

It is why we are here in Dubai since yesterday and work very actively.

Our delegation meets with dozens of the very high-level  officials here and holds extensive discussions where we stand for our principled position:

INTERPOL should remain a non-political organization and develop as an effective tool for the cooperation of all countries in the fight against international crime.

The effectiveness of the law enforcement system in each of the member-countries directly depends on strict adherence to the basic principles: non-participation in politically motivated criminal prosecutions and compliance with the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The world community will have to learn to identify the latest threats of a hybrid war, including attempts to use international institutions to strengthen totalitarian regimes. And it will have to develop countermeasures against these threats.  The Putin regime has changed the situation in the world. Thus the world must acknowledge this regime's toxicity and work out preventive measures, rather than legalize it, appointing Russian representative as INTERPOL leader.

The message of Ukraine, which was the first to suffer from the aggression of Russia and today is restraining this aggression from moving further to Europe, can and should be heard.

To achieve this, we work intensively at the INTERPOL General Assembly in Dubai.

With the help of our partners, we hope to prevent this next hybrid threat to Ukraine and the entire civilized world!

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