Special forces unit «KORD» remaned military instructors on witness protection

01.04.2016 15:08

Today 17 Ukrainian instructors who will train in the future riot policemen of division «B» (protection of witnesses in criminal proceedings) graduated from the Training center of Ukrainian police's special forces unit «KORD».

The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, head of the National Police Khatia Dekanoidze Ukraine and Ambassador  Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA  to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt.

«You are only 17 instructors. You are one of the major persons because you are the first instructors of division "B" on witness protection. Now on you depends thequality of our National police's divisions in the «KORD»», - said Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov.

Head of the National Police of Ukraine Khatia Dekanoidze welcomed the first alumnus of instructors on witnesses protection . «We want to implement a new methodology of knowledge in your training, in you personally. I congratulate you! You are the very people that will ensure the rule of law and protect human lifes!»

In turn, the US Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt said: «It is a great honor for me to be present here. USA are proud to be a partner of the Ukrainian government in the development of Ukrainian police, which is a very important institution and serves its people. These abilities and skills that the special unit «KORD» acquires in the process, are very important element for the public to be confident in their law enforcement».

Most instructors on the protection of witnesses - are former employees of the quick reaction division «Falcon».
Each of them demonstrated high physical and fire training and passed certain stages of selection: in-depth legal and psychological tests, polygraph and interview with the heads of the special forces. The youngest instructor is 27 years old, the average age of graduates - 30 years.

Let us remind, the division «B» of the Corps of operational and sudden action exercises security measures for persons involved in criminal proceedings and special security measures to protect law enforcement officers, their families and relatives, according to the Law of Ukraine «On the security of persons who are involved in criminal proceedings» and «On state protection of court employees and law enforcement agencies».

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine
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