Police blocked the amber supply chain abroad

30.03.2016 08:28

More than 150 people took part in stone's buying and selling "scheme", some of them were foreigners. Sorted amber was sent to China. Yesterday, on the 29th of March, more than 200 kg of stones prepared for shipment were confiscated at warehouses. Investigation is ongoing.

Operatives of the National Police Department to protect the economy of Ukraine  jointly with the Security Service of Ukraine and prosecutors identified the criminal scheme of buying illegally mined amber on the territory of Zhytomyr and Rivne regions. Residents of Kiev and Zhytomyr regions have been involved to this scheme, as well as citizens of Moldova and China.

The organizers of the illegal business created a network of amber buyers, that consisted of more than 150 people. They went to places of illegal mining of stones and purchased them. Money for the purchase of amber was provided by the resident of the capital, who was the organizer of this scheme. Acquired amber was stored in warehouses on the territory of the Zhytomyr region and Kiev. Later, stones were sent to China from the Odessa airport.

Back in mid-December, according to data collected by the operatives of the National Police Department of economy protection, the investigators of the General Prosecutors Office of Ukraine opened criminal proceedings under Part. 4 Art. 240 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Violation of rules of protection and use of mineral resources). The penalty provided for the commission of a criminal offense is up to eight years of imprisonment .

Yesterday, on March 29, more than 200 kg of amber already prepared for shipment abroad were seized during authorized searches. The question of the detention of the organizer of the channel and the election of a preventive measure against him is in the process.

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