«Only with the help of real measures we can reintegrate Donbass», - Arsen Avakov (PHOTO, VIDEO)

05.07.2016 10:23

The Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov said this on July 5th during celebrations of the second anniversary of the liberation of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk from pro-Russian militants.

On the Karatchoun mountain, the site of fierce fighting, the head of MIA honored the memory of the fallen soldiers, and laid down flowers at the chapel of the Intercession of the Theotokos, which was recently built in honor of heroes.

"During the armed confrontation with the pro-Russian terrorist groups, this mountain was the commanding point which helped us to liberate the city.  And now it is a symbol of the tenacity and victory of our soldiers" - said Arsen Avakov.

The Minister mentioned that many of the soldiers, who have participated in the liberation of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, were now working in the MIA structure.

"Slavyansk was liberated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard and volunteer battalions.  Many soldiers who at that time took part in the battle actions are currently serving in the National police and the MIA special forces units "KORD" - said the Minister.

Answering journalists' questions, Arsen Avakov stressed that in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions there were still many problems related to the Russian aggression and continuing warfare.  However, law and order is already secured by the beginning of work by patrol police.

"Only through such practical steps as the introduction of patrol police in the front-line cities will we achieve the reintegration of Donbass" - emphasized the Minister of Internal Affairs.



Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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