On August 3rd the patrol police rapid response teams started to work in the Volyn region

03.08.2016 11:29

Territory of the region will be patrolled by 38 rapid response patrol teams. Teams will be held on duty around the clock in 4 shifts by 12 hours each. In total, 508 policemen will serve in the Volyn region rapid response teams.  The Volyn region is the fifth region of Ukraine where MIA is implementing now a new police service and security system. Previously this system was realized in the Kiev, Lvov, Kharkov and Khmelnytsk regions.

"Each group consists of two policemen in a car, which is equipped with modern means of communication, including tablet PCs.  It will help policemen to get immediate on-line access to the electronic databases of the NPU and MIA"- said the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov. 

All information about the offenses taking place in the service area comes to the local police office duty shift supervisor.  The interactive map in the police office shows in the on-line mode the location of all police units, whereby the duty shift supervisor can quickly send the nearest unit to the site of offense.

"This system is significantly reducing the response time to citizen's calls - in cities from 15-20 minutes to 7 minutes, and in the rural areas from one-two hours to 20 minutes.  This has increased the efficiency of the police work at the offense site, and the number of crimes solved without delays"- added the head of MIA. But the most important indicator of the efficiency of the police, marked Arsen Avakov, was the raise of the public trust to the police: the number of calls to the police has increased by 40-50 percent.  People have seen the results of the police work, and believed that they would get help!

In addition, patrol officers will perform some of the functions that were previously assigned to the police precinct inspectors and police officers dealing with children; they will also provide for road safety.  For example, patrol policemen will serve as prevention officers, carry out preventive work with individuals on administrative records and with juveniles, provide assistance to local residents, communicate with regional communities. Such expansion of the patrolmen's duties will allow to make  police service  as close as possible to the local residents and to provide all possible assistance in the difficult situations.

At the same time, on August 3rd, was announced the competitive recruitment to the police service in the Volyn region.  During this competition will be selected candidates for 60 vacancies:  15 slots of the investigators and 45 slots of the police precinct inspectors.  The selection will take place in three stages from August 3rd to 31st .  The first stage will include general skills testing, then the test of physical fitness and interview. 

"We invite the candidates - all qualification requirements you can see on the website of the National Police.  Let's change the country together!  Step-by-step we advance the reform" - emphasized the Minister of Internal Affairs.



Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine



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