New patrol police has gone on duty in three more cities of Ukraine: Zhytomir, Boryspol and Chernovtsy (PHOTOS)

27.03.2016 11:24


On March 22, 2016, in Zhytomir 229 new patrolmen took the oath.  The Zhytomir patrol police detachment includes 32 women, 136 people with college level education and 37 war veterans, among them - two holders of the Order "For courage".

Zhytomir is the 18th city in Ukraine, where the new patrol police began to work.



On March 24, 2016, the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk and the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov attended the ceremony of taking the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people by the new Boryspol police patrolmen.

Prime Minister of Ukraine stressed the responsibility of the new policemen for the future of their country.

"You have decided to serve the Ukrainian people.  Your commitment, your decision to protect people, your strength and faith that you are doing the right thing are crucial for the future of each one of you and the future of Ukrainian police in general.  Protect Borispol, protect citizens and do your sacred duty"- said ArseniyYatsenyuk.

Head of the Cabinet of Ministers reported that from the US$1.5 bln (about UAH 39 bln) of the arrested assets of the former regime of Yanukovich some UAH 3 bln have to be directed to additional financing of the National Police.  The government expects that the Parliament will adopt the necessary law and that the judicial and law enforcement systems will confiscate these funds and transfer them to the state budget.  "Part of these funds we shall use for the national security and defense and for the additional funding of the National Police" - said Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

"We are facing very serious challenges.  Russia did not stop its war against Ukraine.  World terrorism is threatening Europe.  Each police officer by doing his/her holy duty is protecting the country and  every citizen.  And we - the Government - have to continue to finance a reform of the National Police as well as reform of the Ukrainian Armed Forces  and in general every reform, ranging from health care to education " - said the Head of Government.

The Minister of Internal Affairs stated that he is proud that among the patrolmen who today took the oath in Boryspol there are more than 20 former soldiers - participants of the antiterrorist operation.  Some of them were awarded state awards.

"It is very important.  They are the core and the heart of our new police" - stressed Arsen Avakov.

Welcoming new Boryspol patrolmen, the Minister of Internal Affairs reminded that in Boryspol was buried Hero of Ukraine, the fighter of the "Azov" battalion Nikolai Beregovoy, who was killed in Ilovaisk battle.

"So when people ask me:  How will the ideal patrol police look like, when we finish the reform?  - I respond:  It will be like you, like all the young people who had defended their country by deed, not by word.  It will be like Nikolai Beregovoy, who had given his life for the country and for changes in this country"- said Arsen Avakov.

Boryspol is the 19th  Ukrainian city where the new patrol police is now working.  In Boryspol police detachment will serve 171 policemen.  Another 58 police employees will render support for their work in the office of  the city Patrol Police Department.

 "These guys are the best of the 4193 applicants, which means that each of them beat 23 contenders and withstood intense eight-weeks-long training course at the MIA Kiev Institute of Law, which was conducted by trainers from Ukraine, the USA and Canada", - said the head of MIA.

The new patrolmen in Borispol are 25 years old in average, 80% of them have college level education, 15% of all police officers are women.

 The city police detachment includes eight participants of ATO, including the "cyborg" Vitaly Gorkun, who has courageously defended the Donetsk airport, took part in the liberation of Slavyansk and was awarded the Order "For courage", III degree.

 "I would also like to introduce Maya Breslavsky - the new Head of the Boryspol Patrol Police Department.  She is the first woman in Ukraine who took the oath as the commander of the patrol police detachment.  - said Arsen Avakov - The average age of the new Boryspol patrolmen is 25 years.  These people are the future of reform.  The energy of youth!  Competent and experienced policemen are really in need of this energy of renewal!".



On March 27, 2016, at the Chernovtsy Central Square 342 new patrol officers took an oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people.  The same evening 23 patrol crews drove to the city streets.

The ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, the Deputy Head of the National Police Alexander Fatsevich, Head of the Bukovina region police Sergey Piligrim and representatives of local authorities.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk congratulated newly sworn patrolmen.

"We went through the most difficult two years since the start of Russia's military aggression, which is still not over yet" - said the head of government. "But we have not just survived - we have proved that we are a strong nation!  And we shall not stop halfway.  To move forward is always difficult, but there is no other way.  Step by step, together, no matter how difficult it will be, but we shall win!"

The head of the government noted that the new patrol police is in need of public support:  "They need everyone to obey the law.  They need the support of everyone, so that they can fulfill their key function - to protect the security of Ukrainians".

Arseniy Yatsenyuk stressed that the new patrol police is only a part of the comprehensive reform that needs to take place in Ukraine:  the reform of the law enforcement system as a whole, reforms of the prosecutor's office and the courts, "which should not be corrupt, should adjudicate not on behalf of the United States dollar, and by on behalf of Ukraine and in the interests of Ukraine and especially in cases that the new Ukrainian police is investigating".

The Prime Minister emphasized that the Chernovtsy policemen took the oath in the day when Christians celebrate Easter according to the Gregorian calendar:  "If our patrol police takes the oath in such a big Christian holiday, then everything will be OK with them!"

The Minister of Internal Affairs stressed that the most important task today is to reach a new quality of life:  "We need to show that something is changing.  And then even the people who are on the other side, on the territories occupied by Russian gangs will understand:  you have to be with Ukraine!"

Arsen Avakov emphasized that  many members of the new Chernovtsy patrol police passed through Maidan and ATO:  "I remember how we stood together on Maidan - with Governor of Chernovtsy region, people's deputy Maxim Bourbak and many others.  And with many of the current policemen.  And I'm proud of it!  Then there was the war.  And I welcome today those police officers who have passed through anti-terrorist operation and I believe that their coming to the new police is a very important step.  Step by step - we shall build Ukraine!"

Last October there were 4500 applications to serve in the Chernovtsy police but today only one out of every 13 candidates took the oath.

In the Chernovtsy patrol police detachment:

23% are women;

80% have a college level education;

34 patrolmen passed through ATO.

In the office of the city Patrol Police Department work two guys as civil employees: they were wounded at the front line and now can't serve as patrolmen for health reasons. "But they have the desire and motivation to serve and protect the Ukraine and therefore there is a place for them in the new police!" - said the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Police Lieutenant Oleg Jesipov was appointed the Head of the Chernovtsy Patrol Police Department.  He was a member of the Maidan Self-Defense Unit, deputy centurion of the 7th century; after the victory of the Revolution of Dignity he joined the volunteer battalion "Kyiv-1" and took an active part in the formation of this battalion.

Oleg Jesipov served as the deputy commander of the MIA special purpose patrol service battalion "Kiev-1" and carried out military missions in Slavyansk, Mar'inka, Krasnogorovka.  Oleg served in position of deputy commander from the first till the last day of existence of the battalion "Kyiv-1".  After restructuring the unit he worked in the Department of Patrol Police.  Since February 2016 he served as deputy head of the Ivano-Frankovsk patrol police.

 "The commander and his battle sworn brothers form a reliable basis for the creation in Chernovtsy of advanced patrol police detachment!" - said Arsen Avakov.

After taking the oath patrolman Valeriy Olaets in the presence of his comrades and the Prime Minister of Ukraine proposed to his girlfriend Marichka and vowed to be a staunch defender of his future family.  To the strains of the folk song "Marіchka" which a trumpeter traditionally plays on the City Hall tower Marіchka accepted a marriage proposal! 

 "Chernovtsy is the 20th city in which we took one more step on the way of our reform.  The next patrol police detachment will start to serve in Rovno" - said the head of MIA. 

 "Be optimistic - we shall build a new police!  Through distrust, skepticism, crisis and war - we are moving forward.  Step-by-step!" - stressed Arsen Avakov.


Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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