The Ministry of Internal Affairs supports all state programs and initiatives to strengthen the rights and opportunities of women and men in the security sector — Kateryna Pavlichenko

10.03.2021 11:07

This was stated by the Deputy Minister of the Interior today, March 10, during the opening of the Women's Leadership Forum “Be a woman. Be a leader. Be yourself” The
forum is organized by the Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in honor of the International Women's Day and aims to discuss the development of female leadership, the destruction of gender stereotypes in the law enforcement system and society, as well as to form a community of female leadership and motivate students and cadets to individuals professional and professional development

“The topic of women's leadership is gaining increasing relevance both nationally and internationally. We used to talk about leadership in general, but not so long ago we started talking about female leadership. After all, being a woman, a leader and remaining yourself can sometimes be really difficult. It's not about what role you choose for yourself, it's that society is still not ready for this perception,” said Kateryna Pavlichenko.

Currently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs supports all government programs and initiatives to strengthen the rights and opportunities of women and men in the security sector. Gender policy units have been created, gender issues have been introduced into the professional training of the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and on an ongoing basis various kinds of research are carried out in order to assess the needs of women and men in the performance of official duties.

Security today is not an exclusively male issue, in the security and defense sector we are seeing an increase in the representation of women. Positions such as border guard, patrol officer, explosives technician or lifeguard have already ceased to surprise anyone. However, it is important that the increase in women occurs proportionally and in leadership positions, which is why it is necessary to increase the potential of female leadership.

“Analyzing the processes of the formation of the modern world, I should note that it became so thanks to those who desperately fought for equality, destroyed established norms, changed people's minds, believed in their ideals and led for themselves. I am sincerely convinced that each and every one of us can and should lead the changes that will help us create a society free from prejudice. And this is actually about leadership,” the deputy minister noted in her speech.

“Personally for me, female leadership is when you overcome the so-called “glass ceiling” and help those who go behind you to break it,” added Ekaterina Pavlichenko.

The forum was supported by UNDP and the Law and Police Programme implemented by the United Nations Project Management Office (UNOPS).

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