Kharkiv police detained persons involved in illegal actions in the market “Barabashovo”

28.02.2020 09:07

As part of the open criminal proceedings, 55 citizens aged 19 to 55 were brought to the Kyiv Police Department. All of them are currently detained under the order of Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

Recall that on February 27, at about 11:30 on Amurskaya Street near the Barabashovo market, clashes took place with the participation of about 100 people. The unknown used pyrotechnics, tear gas and special equipment. Police seized rubber batons, gas canisters and traumatic pistols at the scene. The specialists of the Explosive Control did not find any explosive objects. Material evidence is submitted for examination.

Information on this fact is included in the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations under Part 1 of Art. 294 (Mass riots) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a term of five to eight years.

Investigative actions continue.

Police Communication Department of Kharkiv Oblast


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