Even in a small village, the police has to be near people - Arsen Avakov (ФОТО)

23.02.2016 11:43

The head of MIA said it on February 23 during a ceremony of the first briefing of the staff of the patrol police rapid response teams in the Kharkov region.

The presentation of the new police structure was attended by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the EU Ambassador to Ukraine Jan Tombinski, the Head of EUAM Ukraine Kęstutis Lančinskas, the head of the EUAM regional cooperation department Udo Moller, the Chairman of the Expert Council under the MIA of Ukraine Yevhen Zakharov, the Chairman of the Kharkov regional State Administration Igor Rainin and the Head of the  NPU Main Directorate in the Kharkov region Anatoly Dmitriev.

From February 23, 2016 in Kharkov region starts to operate the new functional staff structure of the police departments and divisions, which provides for the creation of rapid response units and units for crime prevention as well as new forms and methods of police work - around the clock patrol zone expansion.  Territory of the region will be patrolled by 81 rapid response patrol teams, from two to eight teams in each district.

The new unit has staff of 648 persons with two policemen in each team, their cars are equipped with modern means of communication, including tablet PCs, through which policemen have the opportunity to immediately receive information from electronic databases of NPU and MIA.  Teams will be held on duty around the clock in four shifts by 12 hours each.

The territory of ​​each district of the region is divided into the law enforcement zones and each rapid response team is assigned to the corresponding zone where it provides continuous patrolling along a certain route.

All information about the offenses taking place in the service area comes to the police department duty shift supervisor, who promptly sends to the scene of event a rapid response team assigned to this zone, or next available police squad.

In addition, patrol policemen will serve as prevention officers, carry out preventive work with individuals on administrative records, provide assistance to local residents, communicate with regional communities, monitor compliance with road traffic regulations.  Such a wide range of powers will make the police service as close as possible to the local population and allow police to assist in emergency cases even before the arrival of operational and investigative officers, health care or emergency teams.

According to the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, the police rapid response teams should become one of the main suppliers of services for the population of the Kharkov region.   "Even in the very small and remote village people have to understand that at any time, under any circumstances the police will be always nearby and will help".  But every cop has to realize the importance of his/her profession and the mission which police performs in society.

Minister Avakov assured the policemen of the Kharkov region that the government will consistently and persistently improve the conditions of service of law enforcers.

The EU Ambassador to Ukraine Jan Tombinsky noted that the whole set of reforms in the MIA has been prepared in cooperation with EU experts and with its support.  "The police reform which is under way in Ukraine now is fully in line with European principles and values ​​of a free and democratic society" - Jan Tombinsky said.

According to him, service in the new police should become not only profession but a life mission for law enforcement staff.

The Chairman of the Expert Council under the MIA of Ukraine Yevhen Zakharov agreed with the EU Ambassador to Ukraine. According to him, the reform being implemented now by the Ministry of Internal Affairs is among the best Ukrainian reforms.


Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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