"Despite the difficulties, reform continues," - Arsen Avakov

19.02.2016 14:30

The patrol police started to work  in two more cities of Ukraine - in Chernigov and Vinnitsa.  Now a new police is operating in 14 cities.

On February 19, 2016, new patrol policemen of Chernigov swore the oath to the Ukrainian people.  As the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov noted, new Chernigov policemen were selected from nearly 5,000 applicants.  Having overcome a huge competition - 22 candidates for one vacancy - they completed a training course in the training center of the Kiev regional Main Directorate of the police, took the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people and in the evening of  February 19 211 brand new patrolmen took to the streets of the city of Chernigov.

In the new Chernigov police team serve 22 participants of ATO, 19% of the patrol force are girls.  "More than 86% of patrolmen have college level education - proudly stated Arsen Avakov -  The former journalists, translators, engineers, programmers, military and four masters of sports and eight candidates for master of sports - all of them came to serve in the police".

Senior Police Lieutenant Alexander Leonov was named the Chief of the Chernigov Patrol Police Department.

And on February 22 in Vinnitsa 255 new patrol officers swore allegiance to the Ukrainian people.   They too went through a severe selection: 34 candidates per one vacancy. Of the 9000 candidates who applied in September 2015 to serve in the Vinnitsa patrol police only 266 persons went through all stages of the preliminary selection.  255 persons have successfully completed the training.

Among these 33 girls.  184 patrolmen have college level education.  The new patrol police force also includes three candidates for master of sports (in hand-to-hand fighting, combat sambo), ten masters of sports (Greco-Roman wrestling, boxing, hand-to-hand foghting, acrobatics, rowing).

Among those who took the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people in Vinnitsa, 50 people have passed the most difficult exam - arms in hand they  defended the sovereignty and independence of our country in the East of Ukraine.

Minister Avakov specially marked Ilya Putrashik, who fought near Slavyansk and went through the Ilovaysk tragedy. Together with other heroes he kept the defense on 32nd checkpoint in Debaltsevo.  He was awarded the Order "For courage, III degree" for his courage and heroism.  One more of new policemen - Alexander Bukataru, who fought in Komsomolsk, Vasil'evka, Razdolny, and put out of action the wounded and helped to take out the killed in the fightings near Ilovaysk.

"Step by step, no matter how it is complicated, overcoming mistakes and difficulties, attacks of ill-wishers and attacks of the old system, we are carrying out reforms" - said Arsen Avakov and wished success to the new Chernigov and Vinnitsa patrol police.


Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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