Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Arsen Avakov examined in Kharkov the RICAS complex

23.02.2016 11:15

The Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk and the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov on February 23, 2016 got acquainted with the work of a hardware-software complex of analytical assistance to operational investigative activity and police decision making support (RICAS).

The software package was developed by the staff of the Department of informational support of the NPU (MVDU) Main Directorate in the Kharkov region together with local IT-companies.


During the 2012-2014 has been developed an innovative complex of analytical processing of information from different databases with display of objects of research and results of analysis on detailed interactive map of the region.

Since August 2014 the RICAS complex was put into operation at the NPU (MVDU) Main Directorate in the Kharkov region and within several structural units of the regional police.  The RICAS analytical division employs five persons, their average age - 22 years old.

This system allows you to identify logical overt and covert connections between given objects and display them in the form of geographic information as well as in the form of numerical series.

Ability to display moving objects on the map allows to track the dynamics of the situation and, accordingly, to provide adequate and timely response, including sending to the scene of event the required number of rescue service crews, utilities emergency crews, ambulance crews.

The display on the interactive map of connected video cameras and instant access to each of them in video streaming regime and in recording regime allows to track both the event itself and the responses of  relevant services, capture the circumstances of the offense and, if necessary, use the collected data as evidence during the investigation.

RICAS system can be embedded in the "102" service as an optional analytical support and can be used in the work of dispatcher service of patrol police squads control system "Tsunami".

The use of RICAS system in test mode in several units of  Kharkov regional police was highly praised by experts. Up to now its capabilities were tested during solution of 279 crimes.

"It is a serious step forward.  It is very important that it is a nationally developed design. A very powerful system.  Really clever. Thank you!" - said during the presentation of the RICAS system the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

In turn, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov said that RICAS is an experimental system that works so far only in Kharkov.  "There is a similar system of somewhat different type in Dnepropetrovsk, which has its "pros" and its "cons", there is also a system in the MIA central office.  In the near future we shall consider how to integrate everything that colleagues have developed, because here we have the most interesting variant.  This "multi-layer capacity" as discussed during the presentation, allows you to include an infinite number of options"- said the head of the MIA.

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine


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