Arsen Avakov reported on the detention of the Senior Sanitary Inspector of Ukraine (PHOTO, VIDEO)

30.06.2016 10:49

On June 30, 2016 the Minister of Internal Affairs informed that as a result of a joint operation of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) was detained on suspicion of corruption the Senior Sanitary Inspector-Head of the State Sanitary  Epidemiological Service of Ukraine (SSES) Svyatoslav Protas and SSES Department Director Alexander Chepurnoy.  Within the framework of the same criminal case investigators are conducting searches and interrogations of officials of regional SSES administrations in 19 regions of Ukraine.

"Just now in his office was detained the Senior Sanitary Inspector of Ukraine together with the head of the SSES Department.  At the same time across the country investigators are conducting searches and question 19 chief regional sanitary inspectors, some of them will also be detained" - said the head of MIA.

The group of SSES officials led by S.Protas has developed and implemented a criminal scheme for embezzlement of  large amount of public funds.  The participants of the fraud were detained while laundering and receiving the first tranche of the stolen funds (UAH 400 000). 

These SSES officials were detained by detectives from the NPU Department for protection of economy (DPE) and representatives of NABU.  During the preceding surveillance staff of DPE NPU and NABU have documented 11 episodes of extortion and receiving bribes from subordinates by S.Protas.  "An excellent example of co-ordinated joint actions by NPU and NABU!" - commented Arsen Avakov.

He also marked actions of S.Protas, who is suspected in the organization of public funds embezzlement scheme:  "He acted cynically by coming to a prior arrangement about how and under what rules the public funds would be embezzled and laundered.  All fraud participants were informed about these rules and their "duties", and all of them agreed to take part in the fraud!  And only one (!) SSES official said  - NO.  Such a company...  Let's clean this agency step by step!"

"But important part is that there was this one official of the twenty who has said NO.  It is for optimists.  One among twenty  ...  Or may be it is for unbridled skeptics?  And who are you, the other nineteen?  Are you highly respected people, grizzle and intelligent?  But you were unable to say NO to the fraud, it was easier for you to make up to the wishes of your bosses and at the same time "to make a fast buck".  The climate in the bureaucratic community is changing slowly, such is the dialectic of transformation:  we need reforms, new people and deeds and the will to change.

I hope that we are on the right track, but for now - let's burn rot out!

And let's appoint 19 new decent regional sanitary inspectors!  Will we find them!?  We have to find " - stressed Arsen Avakov.


Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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