Arsen Avakov met with Atlantic Council delegation

16.04.2019 09:39

"Ukraine has undergone a great test during the first round of elections. Three months of fruitful work together with civil society and the CEC led to the fact that transparent, democratic elections were provided. Ahead of us is another test - the second round, to which we are currently preparing and provide law and order ", - said the Minister of Internal Affairs.

John H. Herbst, Ex-US Ambassador to Ukraine, director of Eurasian Center Atlantic Council, highly praised MIA: "The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has done a great deal to ensure the rule of law, order and democracy of the first round. I know that you have chosen a clear position. And you can feel it here in Kiev, and in Washington. It is your personal merit that you follow the chosen path. Propaganda of the Kremlin is trying to discredit the electoral process in Ukraine. They do not want Ukraine to be successful, so they try to undermine the legitimacy of these elections. The way you spent the first round I hope it is the way you’ll carry out the second one, as well as the elections in the fall - shows the world that you will all succeed, "said John Herbst.

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