Arsen Avakov: We shall not succeed without a total reboot of the judicial system and the prosecutor's office!

14.04.2016 15:07

Speaking at the Kiev Security Forum, the Minister of Internal Affairs stressed the need to fully reboot the procuratorial and judicial systems of Ukraine, because without such reboot the reform of the law enforcement system will not be effective.

"I want to state one thing - no matter how much we change the police system, we shall not succeed without total reboot of the judicial system.  We shall not succeed without total reboot of the General Prosecutor's Office and the procuratorial system as a whole.  This is the main problem of the security system in our country" - said the minister.

"If we shall not change these two systems then very soon the young new policemen will face a cynical rebuff from the judicial and procuratorial systems (and this is already happening), which strive to teach them how to live by the old rules" - said Arsen Avakov.

According to him, "so far we have sufficient stamina to resist and I hope that we shall have enough to continue".

"This is a very important factor that many people underestimate" - emphasized Arsen Avakov.


 Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine


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