Arsen Avakov: The fighting units of MIA and the National Guard have lost 308 soldiers during two years of anti-terrorist operation (video)

18.04.2016 13:13

The Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov announced this on April 18th, 2016.

During these two years 308 soldiers were killed in battle, including 205 fighters of the volunteer battalions: 108 – from the battalion named after general Kulchytsky, "Donbass" and "Azov" battalions and 97more - from the voluntary battalions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the official statistics 1228 soldiers were injured, including 701 fighters of the volunteer battalions. Also, 41 fighters missed in action and 10 are in captivity of separatists.

«It is unfair and unjust to be silent about the guys who lost their lives and health in this war! It is ignoble to belittle their feats. The war is not over still» - stressed Arsen Avakov. He added that there are casualties which were not reflected in the MIA statistics, because many soldiers had immediately gone into battle, "leaving formal registration for the end".

"We have to remember about them, because they are not characters from the myths, but our real life contemporaries, who deserve our memory and homage " - stated the Minister of Internal Affairs.


Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine 



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