Arsen Avakov: Plus Lvov region. Step by step!

11.02.2016 21:33

On February 11, 2016, Minister of Internal Affairs announced the launch of rapid response teams service in the Lvov region.

"We continue to launch rapid response services in small towns and rural areas. Today - plus Lvov region. Reform is advancing - step by step.  Next - Kharkov region" - said Arsen Avakov.

From now on public order and road safety in district centers and rural areas of the Lvov region will be provided around the clock by some 600 law enforcement officers divided into 74 rapid response teams.

This arrangement will ensure the constant presence of law enforcement officers on the streets of villages and small towns and will help police to respond quickly to the citizens calls and maintain systemic preventive work with population.

Earlier experiment in the town of Sambor (district center in Lvov region) demonstrated that introduction of new principles of the police work increased number of local residents calls to the police and enhanced confidence in the law enforcement agencies.

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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