Arsen Avakov: «Peace and calm life in Mariupol is our response to the war» (PHOTO, VIDEO)

12.06.2016 12:22

The Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov said it on June 12 during celebration of the second anniversary of the liberation of Mariupol from pro-Russian militants.

"Today we shall see all the units that participated in the liberation of Mariupol: from the National Guard unit, which was then called the MIA battalion "Azov" and is now called  the NGU regiment "Azov", border guards, special forces units "Donbass" and "Dnepr", the MIA military unit №3057 to policemen and those who are guarding Mariupol now. We are building up our forces here so that the enemy will not risk even to think about getting close to Mariupol" - stated Arsen Avakov. 

The solemn ceremony was also attended by the Deputy Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine (NGU) Nikolay Balan, MPs Andrey Beletsky, Oleg Lyashko, Sergei Taruta, the First Deputy Head of  the National Police (NPU) Vadim Troyan, the Head of the Donetsk regional Police Department  Vyacheslav Abroskin and representatives of the city authorities.

The event began with a moment of silence.  The participants paid tribute to patriots who have defended Mariupol at the cost of their lives.

According to the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, "there will always be a threat to peace as long as we have the mad dog of the Putin regime near Ukrainian borders. And our best response will be readiness to deny enemy access to our land… and peaceful, working, smiling Mariupol.

I know that for a long time residents of Mariupol feel no symptoms of war, hear no cannonade. It is very important for me that Mariupol is moving forward and everybody see it.  And it will be the best answer to war", - stressed Arsen Avakov.

He added that peace in Mariupol is impossible without the pro-active attitude of the city residents. 

"Mariupol city in general is very important for Ukraine - just here it is worth to prove by peace and development the advantages of our Ukraine over the "Russian world".  In Mariupol everybody should be engaged in creation - city residents, and the ministers, and the government as a whole".

The People's Deputy of Ukraine Andrey Beletsky also congratulated residents of the city. He has been one of the commanders who led the June 2014 operation to liberate Mariupol and Shirokino:

"I am happy that we presented city with this gala day, because it is a gala day of peaceful sky, peaceful labor, peaceful citizens. As to soldiers, for them today is not a holiday but a field-day to show that we are ready to fight, we shall go forward and return the Ukraine to Ukrainians".

NGU Deputy Commander Nikolay Balan emphasized that soldiers, policemen and  civilians have been killed in battle for the plants to work and people to walk safely on the streets.

"Freedom is not given for nothing.  And it should serve as an example for other cities, villages, for all population of Ukraine.  I would like to appeal to the soldiers:  you have to be an example and a model of service to the Ukrainian people and of providing security in the region.  I want to say to the younger generation, children, school students:  you are building the future, you are growing up today in a peaceful city" - addressed the audience Nikolay Balan.

The First Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine Vadim Troyan, who has taken part in the defense of Mariupol in 2014, called this city his second home. 

"Brothers, residents of Mariupol I shall  forever remember three moments of fightings in Mariupol.  The first - when on the Greek street "zushka" (twin anti-aircraft gun) was shooting, grenades exploded, RPGs (bazooka) fired and in the midst of all this hell a guy from the second floor of the neighboring house came out with  Ukrainian flag and shouted:  "Thank you, boys!"  The second recollection  is when Mariupol residents came together with us to Shirokino and helped to dig trenches, brought food and other things to our guys in order to stop the Russian occupants.  The third recollection is when the "GRADs" (unguided rockets) exploded in the Eastern residential neighborhood.  And I remember how local residents together with "Azov" fighters helped the wounded people and dragged people out of their homes.  I see now how Mariupol is becoming a really Ukrainian city and people recognize the truth.  Thank you for your support"- said Vadim Troyan.

The Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov presented the chief of the Donetsk region police Vyacheslav Abroskin the keys to two trucks "KrAZ" to use in a combat zone. 

The heads of law enforcement agencies presented awards to soldiers and police officers who have directly participated in the liberation of the city from armed gangs and during two years  have been defending the inhabitants of the city from terrorist aggression.

Totally about 200 police officers and the National Guard soldiers were rewarded with state and departmental awards.  Police Lieutenant-Colonel Alexei Miroshnichenko, acting Head of the Toretsk local police precinct, was decorated with an order "For courage», III degree, by Decree of the President of Ukraine. 

Then  defenders of Mariupol marched  through the streets of the city accompanied by the orchestra of the Donetsk regional Police Department. 


Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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