400 police officers were trained to counter mass riots at the base of the KHNU

18.06.2021 19:50

In Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, celebrations were held on the occasion of awarding certificates to patrol police officers who conducted tactical and special training in countering mass riots. The events were attended by Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine, Police General of the Third Rank Oleksandr Facevych, Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs General of Police of the Third Rank Valery Sokurenko, Head of the Department of Patrol Police Colonel Yevhenii Zhukov, Head of the Legal Department U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Sarah Langenkamp, Director of ICITAP Regional Program Office in Ukraine Michael Hall, Vice-Rectors, University Staff, Graduates of the Training Seminar.

The events began with demonstrations with the participation of the students of the courses, during which they demonstrated the skills and skills they acquired during the tactical and special exercises to counter mass riots.

400 policemen of the NPU Patrol Police Department, including also trained heads of patrol police departments and their deputies, commanders and deputy commanders of tactical and operational response police (TOR) companies, patrol companies, police bicycle patrol and cavalry companies, during two weeks, practical skills of crowd management were improved, coordinated and effective actions of police units in various situations were studied.

These trainings were made possible by the support of the International Training Program for Criminal Investigation Bodies of the US Department of Justice (ICITAP) within the framework of the International Technical Assistance Project “Supporting and Ensuring the Sustainability of Reforms in the National Police of Ukraine”. Classes were conducted by instructors from the United States, who have many years of experience in law enforcement.

As the Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine Oleksandr Fatsevich noted, “in a short period of time you have shown that you are a well-coordinated, powerful and strong team, that our police are ready to ensure order during mass events, and, most importantly, to protect the rights of people during mass gatherings. I hope that you will now conduct such training every year with employees of the Main Departments of the National Police, where you work.”

“I remember how we created the Tactical and Operational Response Unit (TOR),” said the head of the Patrol Police Department Yevhenii Zhukov. “We understood all the risks, but successfully passed this rubicon, and now we see a friendly and strong team. I thank our foreign partners, the management of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs for their support, you, the listeners, for your conscientious service and feeling the shoulder of a comrade.”

“It is a pleasure to participate in the ceremony of awarding the certificates you deserve,” said Sarah Langenkamp, Head of Law Enforcement at the US Embassy in Ukraine. “You play an important role in upholding the rights of people to peaceful assembly, during which they can communicate freely, while observing this procedure. We invited American coaches who worked closely with you all this time. I thank you all for making every effort during the training and demonstrating the high level of cooperation between Ukraine and the United States.”

“I see a wonderful group of professionals. You are strong, fearless, courageous. — said Michael Hall, Director of ICITAP Regional Program Office in Ukraine. “I witnessed the training with you. I have seen all those tricky situations that the instructors have prepared for you and that have put a lot of challenges in front of you. It was nice to see you successfully overcome all the obstacles as one team. You did a great job all together: TOR, bike patrol, cavalry unit, demonstrating all your tactical skills, cohesion and coordination in work. Continue to be such a cohesive team, care for each other, serve your communities proud of that service, and certainly show compassion. Always be at the forefront of positive change! I congratulate you on your achievements, may the Lord bless you! May the Lord make it so that you are always safe, and may the Lord bless Ukraine!”

Certificates were handed over. The acquired theoretical and practical knowledge will be applied by police officers of the patrol police in everyday official activities.


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