Opening of the exhibition of objects “Thing in tim...” within the framework of the international action “16 days against violence”

On Wednesday, November 25, there will be the opening of the exhibition of objects “Thing in tim...” within the framework of the international action “16 days against violence” .

The event will be attended by: First Lady Elena Zelenska, Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olga Stefanishina, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Kateryna Pavlichenko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom to Ukraine Melinda Simmons, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Ukraine Larisa Galadza, Coordinator of the UN System in Ukraine Osnat Lubrani, Head of Cooperation Programs at the Delegation of the EU to Ukraine Frederick Kune.

The exhibition will be held at the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the patronage of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine. It will feature 16 relatively small items that took place in real events related to domestic violence, according to information provided by the National Police of Ukraine (all names and some details have been changed).

Venue: Mikhailovskaya square, m. Kiev.

Time: at 10:00. Media representatives are requested to arrive at 09:30.

Accreditation of journalists will last until 16:00 on November 24 via the form

*The number of places is limited due to quarantine measures.

On the day of the event, be sure to have personal protective equipment with you!