Presentation of the results of the sociological study “Corruption in the Ministry of the Interior: the main results of the survey”

On December 9-10, the National Academy of Internal Affairs will host the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Implementation of State Anti-Corruption Policy in the International Dimension”, dedicated to the International Day Against Corruption. During the event, the results of the sociological study “Corruption in the Ministry of the Interior: Main Survey Results”, conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology with the support of the Consultative Mission of the European Union (CMEC) in Ukraine, will be presented.

Organizers of the event: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Consultative Mission of the European Union in Ukraine, National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, CSC “Center for Prevention and Counteraction of Corruption”.

Participation in the conference will be attended by international experts, public sector managers and representatives of the public.

The event will discuss the principles of the state anti-corruption policy in Ukraine, draft amendments and additions to the legislation, recommendations on practical implementation of preventive anti-corruption measures, ways to intensify the fight against corruption crime and issues of training personnel of relevant specialization in accordance with the provisions of international legal documents of foreign experience and experience.

Registration of participants will begin on December 9 at 08.30.

Opening of the conference on December 9 at 09.30.

Join an online conference on the Zoom platform

Conference ID: 842 6804 4156

Access code: 275617

Contact person — Viktor Korolchuk, tel.: (050) 549 25 29.