In Rivne region, the head of the National Police Sergey Knyazev presents the project “Community Police Officer”

The event will take place on Tuesday, August 13. For the first time, the project “Community Police Officer” was successfully launched in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Rivne region will become the fifth in Ukraine, where the police together with communities will implement this project.

The “Community Police Officer” project is a continuation of the implementation of the police reform, the purpose of which is the close interaction of the police officer with the amalgamated territorial community and residents of rural areas.

The head of the National Police of Ukraine, the leadership of the Rivne region police, international partners, heads of relevant units of the National Police, representatives of regional authorities and territorial communities will take part in the presentation.

Venue: conference hall of the hotel “Mir” (m. Rivne, str. A. Mickiewicz, 32).

Start: at 10:00

Accreditation of journalists will last until 17:00 on July 12 by phone: (0362) 679-334.

Department of communication of police of Rivne region