Large-scale open competition for the posts of heads of border detachments

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine will conduct an open and transparent selection of candidates for appointment to the positions of heads of border guards (border guards). The competition is held within the framework of the project “New Face of the Management Staff”.
This is a completely different ideology of appointment to senior positions in the State Border
Guard Service, which
implements is supported by the US Embassy in Ukraine and the International Organization for Migration. The appointment procedure is competitive, as open and objective as possible.
It involves passing tests — both theoretical and practical, assessment of leadership qualities, qualification interviews, demonstration of leadership qualities.

The event will be held on December 19 at 11:30 a.m.

In addition to 25 competitors, the leadership of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the US Embassy in Ukraine, the International Organization for Migration, the People's Deputies of Ukraine will take part.

Venue: Hotel Intercontinental Conference Hall (str. Velyka Zhytomyrska, 2A, m. Kyiv).

Media accreditation will last until 18:00 on December 18, 2019.

Please send the following information to [email protected]: full name, date of birth, media name, position, mobile phone number, copy of editorial (or service) certificate.

Additional information by phone: (044) 527-63-37, (044) 527-63-44