Collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

On Friday, August 23, a panel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will take place on aspects of the activities of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. The event will be attended by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Police, the State Border Service, the State Emergency Service, the National Guard, the State Migration Service and their territorial units.

Venue: st. Academician Bogomoletz, 10.

Please provide the following data:

  • Full name (if there are several film crews — name of everyone who plans to work with the Ministry of Internal Affairs on this day);
  • date of birth;
  • series and passport number (with a scanned copy of the first page);
  • editorial certificate (scanned copy);
  • mobile phone number;
  • 3x4 photo for issuing a temporary certificate (send photos only in jpg format and signed with your last name).

Example of registration of personal data in a letter: full name, journalist/operator/photographer, date of birth in the format DAY.MONTH.YEAR, series and passport number, ID number, contact phone.

Letters without full information are not accepted!

Contact person on the day of the event: (063) 932-01-00, Deputy Director of the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Viktoriia Navrotska.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine