In accordance with the Procedure for holding consultations with the public on the formation and implementation of public policy, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 03, 2010 No. 996, we announce the publication on May 01, 2024 on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of the draft order “On Approval of Requirements for Authorisation employees of territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which, according to their official duties, are assigned functions for passing practical exams for obtaining the right to drive transport by means” (hereinafter — draft order):
Draft order
Requirements for authorized employees of territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which, according to their official duties, are assigned functions for passing practical exams for obtaining the right to drive vehicles Explanatory note
The draft order is designed to comply with sub-paragraph 6 of paragraph 98 of section 14 of the Plan of measures to implement the recommendations of the European Commission presented in the Progress Report on Ukraine within the framework of the European Union Enlargement Package 2023, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 09 February 2024 No. 133-p, paragraph 17 of the Regulation on the procedure for issuing driver's licenses and admission of citizens to drive vehicles, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 08, 1993 No. 340 (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 20 May 2009 No 511), Article 10 of Directive 2006/126/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on driving licences.
The purpose of the draft order is to establish requirements for the competence of authorized employees of territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which, according to their official duties, are assigned functions for taking practical exams for obtaining the right to drive vehicles, determine the features of improving their qualifications, as well as a mechanism for ensuring the quality of passing practical exams for obtaining the right to drive vehicles of the relevant category.
Comments and proposals from individuals and legal entities, their associations regarding the draft order are accepted within 15 calendar days from the date of its publication in writing to the postal address: ul. Lukianivska, 62, m. Kiev, 04052 or to the e-mail address: [email protected].
Electronic consultations with the public are also being conducted on the draft order.