The property of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was sold: the cyber police together with the SBI exposed the attackers

05.09.2023 15:00

Five persons appropriated and resold on the Internet state property, which is the property of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is not subject to sale. For these actions, they can face from ten to fifteen years in prison.

The criminal scheme was exposed by the employees of the State Bureau of Investigation together with the employees of the department of combating cybercrime in Khmelnytsky region under the procedural guidance of the Khmelnytsky specialized prosecutor's office in the field of defense of the Western region.

It was established that the illegal activity was organized by a 55-year-old resident of the Khmelnytsky region. He involved a couple and two servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in illegal activities.

Using seniority, the military stole military uniform kits, sweatshirts, windproof suits, underwear, shoes, sleeping bags, and other ammunition and handed them over to accomplices for sale.

Spetniks placed announcements about the sale of ammunition on a well-known Internet site. After payment to the controlled bank accounts, the attackers sent the goods to buyers by mail. The money received was distributed by the attackers among themselves and spent on their own needs.

Law enforcement officers conducted 15 searches of the places of residence of intruders, in garage premises and on the territory of the military unit.

Mobile phones, bank cards and computer equipment used by those involved were seized, as well as financial documentation, military uniform kits, sleeping bags, gas masks, military shoes, camouflage suits, underwear, night vision devices and other items of military ammunition.

The amount of damage caused is established.

Currently, criminal proceedings have been opened against the dealers under Part 4 of Art. 410 (Abduction, appropriation, seizure by a serviceman of weapons, war supplies, explosives or other combat materials, vehicles, military and special equipment or other military property, as well as possession of them by fraud or abuse of official position) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of ten to fifteen years in prison.

National Police of Ukraine

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