The death of a foreign journalist in Luhansk region is classified as a violation of the laws and customs of war

31.05.2022 12:36

The criminal proceedings initiated over the death of the journalist and the wounding of three people are being investigated by the investigators of the Luhansk region police.

The event happened yesterday, May 30. Occupation troops from artillery fired on an evacuation armored car containing policemen and journalists of the French news channel “VFM TV”. As a result of hostile artillery shelling, a journalist, a citizen of France, received bodily injuries, from which he died on the spot.
The colleague of the deceased received a shrapnel wound, and the translator - a contusion. A patrolman was also injured. They are provided with medical care.

On this fact, criminal proceedings were opened under Art. 438 (Violation of the laws and customs of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

National Police of Ukraine

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