For desertion and transfer to the service in the “LPR”, the traitor faces 15 years in prison

09.06.2023 13:30

Internal security of the State Border Guard Service collected materials for a deserter who betrayed his brothers and serves as a car inspector in the occupiers.

According to the materials of internal security agents of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, investigators of the State Police Service of Ukraine, located in the city of Kramatorsk, opened criminal proceedings against the serviceman. He was declared in absentia on suspicion of desertion (Part 4 of Art. 408 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and collaborationism (Part 7 of Art. 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). For these crimes, the defendant can go to prison for 15 years.

The suspect, a resident of the Starobilsk district of Luhansk region, signed a contract with the State Border Guard Service after 2020. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, he voluntarily left the place of service. Then the deserter got a job in the so-called “road traffic inspection service of the People's Militia of the LPR”. He not only serves the invaders, but also conducts so-called “vocational guidance events” in educational institutions, promoting the “Russian measure” to children under occupation.

From the first days of the full-scale invasion, the border unit from which the suspect deserted has been involved in deterring Russian aggression. Some fighters, defending the country, paid with their own lives. The former leader assures that the co-servants are full of contempt for the traitor and the desire to deoccupy the Luhansk region as soon as possible.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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