Kharkov. Russian terror against the city acquires special wickedness, - Volodymyr Zelensky (VIDEO)

27.03.2024 18:25

Kharkov. Russian terror against the city takes on a special wickedness. Attempts to drive more than a million people into a blackout, constant missile strikes and “shaheeds”. Now, the air bombs. Just along an ordinary street, through houses, school, ordinary civil infrastructure. At this time, one person is known to have died. My condolences to family and loved ones.At least 19 people were affected
, among them children. In particular, a girl of 2022 year of birth, a boy of 2023 year of birth. All those affected are provided with the necessary assistance. All services work at the scene of the attack, and I am grateful to everyone who saves a normal life for Kharkov day after day. Strengthening the Ukrainian air defense, accelerating the delivery of F-16s
to Ukraine are vital tasks. There is no rational explanation for this — why the “petriots”, of which there are enough in the world, still do not cover the skies of Kharkiv and other cities and communities suffering from Russian terrorists. Every day we work to give more protection to the lives of our people, our Ukraine.

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