Implementation of emergency communication service is regulated at the legislative level — Igor Bondarenko

09.09.2022 14:25

The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs informed about the legislative changes regarding the process of introducing a single emergency number 112 during a live broadcast on Media Center Ukraine.

Igor Bondarenko noted that the Law of Ukraine “On the system of emergency assistance to the population at the single telephone number 112” in the first edition was adopted back in 2012. However, there was an urgent need for changes necessary for the direct implementation of the emergency communication service, primarily taking into account the military aggression of the Russian Federation. And now these needs are regulated by law.

“First, it's the technical component. We will not depend on the infrastructure of terrestrial regional communications, that is, we are technically changing the outdated model imitated from Soviet times. And in the logical part of processing an emergency call, changes are that a person in the event of a difficult situation requiring the involvement of several services does not need to call several numbers. It reports all the information to the operator 112, which automatically sees the location of the subscriber, forms an event card, fills out a clear response plan according to the new methodology and employs operational and dispatching units that directly serve this place. Further, the units react according to a ready-made clear algorithm,” explained Igor Bondarenko.

He noted that the approved changes bring the Ukrainian model of emergency response to EU standards.

“Some countries are currently upgrading their own service infrastructure to bring it into line with the pan-European one. There is another service in the United States — 911. But the logic of her response is commensurate. We go together with the whole civilized world, unify experience and do it under extremely difficult circumstances — during full-scale armed aggression,” the Deputy Minister stressed.

The official noted that the pilot project of a single emergency number 112 will be implemented in Kyiv region.

“By the end of the year, we will have the technical ability to use 112 in Kyiv and the Kiev region. During the transition period, numbers 101, 012, 103 will operate, but they will be reverse forwarding. We will not lose a single appeal and we will provide the necessary response,” Igor Bondarenko assured.

According to him, over the next year, the project will be expanded to other regions in close cooperation with local authorities and taking into account local capacities.

“It's not just about changing the logic of call routing, but also about being ready to respond on the ground. Therefore, in some regions we carry out an inventory of the needs of forces and means that will carry out direct response. They must comply with the new response methodology and regulations: time of arrival at the place, set of measures to be carried out upon arrival, etc. Our task is to determine the necessary critical size of modernization measures, which we have to carry out together with local self-government bodies on the ground,” said Igor Bondarenko.

Separately, he noted that Project 112 is only one of the tools for the implementation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of its main task — the creation of a security environment in the country. At the same time, work continues, in particular, on the creation of a system of accounting and control of the circulation of weapons, together with colleagues from the Ministry of Regional Policy, a scale-up of the project “Safe Country” is being carried out.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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