In Ternopil, the children of the guards took part in the competition of children's drawing on the theme “I am safe with the Ministry of Internal Affairs”

11.12.2022 15:35

Through art, children express their feelings and emotions, which is very important in times of war. Small residents of Ternopol and the region joined the competition of drawings “I am safe with the Ministry of Internal Affairs”.

Viktoriia and Stanislav are children of Ternopil National Guards who took part in the competition from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Their parents serve, protecting both the territorial integrity on the border of Ukraine and ensuring peace and tranquility in the places of permanent dislocation. Children are sure that their parents are real superheroes and that they are always safe while mom or dad stand to defend their hometown.

We remind you that the competition is held for children under 14 years old inclusive, works can be submitted until December 15. Details can be found on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at

National Guard of Ukraine

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