The Government adopted a Resolution on the establishment of the Coordination Center for Integrated Border Management, which was developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs

13.04.2024 19:00

The establishment of the Coordination Centre for Integrated Border Management is one of the key criteria for Ukraine's accession to the European Union, as provided for in Regulation (EU) No 2019/1896 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 November 2019 on the European Border and Coast Guard, as a basic requirement for all EU Member States.

The functioning of the system of such centers in the EU countries has proven itself positively and is an effective mechanism in border management.

Taking into account the wide range of actors of integrated border management in Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with other executive authorities and the EU Advisory Mission, has formed exactly the optimal model of the Coordination Center, which needs to be approved by the Government decision.

It is this Centre, after Ukraine's accession to the European Union, that will be entrusted with the task of a national coordination centre responsible for the exchange of information EUROSUR, as defined in the Annex to the Communication from the European Commission to the European Parliament on priorities.

The main task of the Center is comprehensive coverage of the situational picture in the sphere of protection and protection of the state border in 24/7 mode.

At the same time, the tasks of the Center defined in the draft act are directly related to the preparation and implementation of events of national importance, since integrated border management is a coordinated activity of the competent state bodies of Ukraine and military formations, aimed at creating and maintaining a balance between ensuring the proper level of border security and maintaining the openness of the state border Ukraine for legitimate cross-border cooperation, as well as for persons traveling.

In conditions of severe shortage of resources and in order to avoid duplication of functions, it is proposed to create a Coordination Center with a place of deployment in the Situation Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a similar mode of operation.

Taking into account the specifics of the activities of the entities involved, the work of their representatives will be regulated by the appropriate schedule.

The adoption of the act will allow: to form the Coordination Center as a temporary consultative and advisory body of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, whose work will contribute to the coordination of activities, improve the communication capabilities of the subjects of integrated border management, strengthen the systemic approach to the organization of risk analysis, implementation of effective monitoring and clear coverage of the situation on the state border of Ukraine.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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